7 results for author: choojajauil
3 more Satellite Transmiters have been installed
During July and August 2019, three more whale sharks (one female and two males), have been tagged with real time satellite transmitters, a project in collaboration with the Guy Harvey Oceanic Foundation.
2 more Acoustics Receiver Stations have been added.
The receiver stations array, for acoustic telemetry of pelagic organisms, including Mantas and Whale sharks, added two more stations, (over 30 now), and we already received three additional ones to track these marine organisms with the collaboration of Georgia Aquarium.
Lucho Whale Shark has come to visit us
“Lucho” who was tagged during Nat Geo Explorer documentary filming on August 2018, is back here too.
Sharktag Innovation
The behavior estimation is at large using the “Sharktag” housing designed by a team of Mexican students from the Tec de Monterrey at Queretaro.
Rio Lady Whale Shark is Back
“Rio Lady” the megacharistmatic female, is also back in the north Isla Mujeres large aggregation.
Milo Whale Shark Traveling
“Milo” one of the real time satellite tagged WS, exceeds 10,000 miles traveling in the north Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean.
5th International Whale Shark Conference
4 project results were presented by two Ch’ooj Ajauil members at the 5th International Whale shark Conference in Ningaloo Australia on May 2019.